Sunday, August 14, 2011

Win or lose?

Before the war started, I believe the sites of the administration were acctually on our greatest threat, Iran. Our invasion of afganistan was not to find Osama Binn Laden, but rather to obtain tactical position in the middle east. Over half of the Iranian people against the islamic rule of the mullas, and we believed they were capable of revolution if we showed strong support. We already had air superiority over Iraq and saddam had been defying the un for a decade and a half. The un issued harsher resolutions on saddam that were met with equal defiance. We had known of saddam's weapons for over decade and watched him use them on his own people. Cia intelligence headed by Clinton appointee george tenet reported on saddams weapons and willingness to use them since the late 90's. Congress gave the president the ok to invade iraq and this was made clear to saddam. Bush gave saddam more time not to suurender, but only to allow un weapons inspectors back into the country. Saddam openly defied the worlds wishes that he disarm, knowing this would be an act of war. To not follow his defiance with military engagement would show weakness not only to the us, but the un as well. UN threats would lose all promise of teeth, and this would have brought about defiance from every tyrranical regime around the world. Powers that be believed Iraq would not only be a sign of strength, but an example of change that "change the hearts and minds" of our enemy showing that the west not an empire, but a free people willing to help free others. Religious influence, media propaganda, and the steady stream of fighters coming in from iran and syria were underestimated or not taken into account at all. These are the west's problems to date, and we will never prop Iraq's government up enough to be able to withdraw without allowing a genocide to occur. At this point in time, the action of pulling out would be surrender. Now Iran is by thier own admission going nuclear and promising its people that isreal will soon be vaporized and america will be brought to its knees. They say this not because we went to iraq or afganistan, they have been our enemy before bush was even elected. It seems the only way to win is war with Iran.

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